Ant Davis
Anthony Davis comedic roots began during his childhood a “Preacher’s Kid.” As a result, his creative, clean content naturally gleaned from his environment. Anthony started off performing in originally written stage plays in 2002 as one of the original Playmakers alongside KevOnStage and Jason Fredericks. In 2012, the Playmakers began entertaining audiences with original sketch comedy while opening for gospel legends such as Fred Hammond, Israel Houghton, Mary Mary, Hezekiah Walker and many more. Also in 2012, Anthony helped pioneer the first YouTube videos of their kind for AlrightTV produced by Tracey Edmonds. Over the past eight years, Anthony continues to make viral content for social media with close to a billion views by hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Anthony has helped create content on new streaming service called The Black Tube. As a solo comedian, MrAntDavis continues to bring clean comedy to the world! The hilarious Sketch Comedian and video creator Ant Davis has put together a comedy tour for the ages. Ant's comedy has generated 25M views and 300K total followers. You can also find Ant Davis comedy in film, tv, currently producing a live standup comedy show. Want to add Ant Davis to your show or production reach out to booking@antdaviscomedy.com
Booking Inquires
To booking, Comedian Ant Davis, email us at booking@antdaviscomedy.com
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